IVI Framework Viewer

Communication and Stakeholder Management


Manage communication with stakeholders who are interested in, or are influenced by, enterprise architecture management, and manage their expectations of what it can deliver.

Improvement Planning

Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)

Representative POMs are described for Communication and Stakeholder Management at each level of maturity.

  • Practice
    Start a communication process within the project team or parts of IT.
    Start of understanding of the architecture role at the project or business unit level.
    No metrics at this level.
  • Practice
    Identify key IT stakeholders. Put in place a basic communication process.
    Key stakeholders are beginning to see the role and value of the architecture function but it may be sporadic and project based.
    % agree (1-5 scale) feedback survey, questions such as "I am aware of the architecture function" "I understand the role of architects in my projects"
  • Practice
    Document and periodically refresh a list of Architecture stakeholders. Consult stakeholders regularly, using established communication channels with feedback and satisfaction measures in place. Make architecture part of IT communication channels such as newsletters, educational events (brown bags), etc. Use quarterly or bi-annual architecture summits as a forum for disseminating roadmaps, key processes and frameworks, governance decisions, compliance metrics, value metrics, and other relevant information to the enterprise architecture organization.
    The role and value of the architecture function is understood by key stakeholders.
    % agree or strongly agree to feedback survey questions such as "I understand the role of the architecture function" "I value the involvement of architects in my projects" "The target architecture is well aligned with business priorities"
  • Practice
    Put in place a comprehensive architecture stakeholders identification process across business and IT, to cover all significant business units, countries, functions etc. Segment stakeholders e.g. by level of influence, degree of supportiveness, frequency of interaction. Document the Architecture communication plan with key messages / themes for segmented audiences. Use a range of different communication channels to most effectively engage with each audience segment. Have a range of feedback loops in place e.g. online stakeholder surveys, regular stakeholder interviews, post-implementation reviews. Have an effective process to review feedback and to identify the appropriate response, follow up with actions and updated communications.
    Value of architecture function strongly recognized by senior IT and business stakeholders. Architects seen as being influential shapers of valuable business outcomes. Strong reputation of architecture function attracts well qualified architects into the profession from both internal and external channels.
    % agree or strongly agree to feedback survey questions such as: "Architecture function delivers significant value to the business" "Architecture function helps shape the IT strategy and influences the business agenda"
  • Practice
    Include stakeholders from across the business ecosystem i.e. customers, partners and suppliers in the communication process. Track, review and continually improve the effectiveness of the communications and stakeholder management process.
    Value of architecture function recognized by external stakeholders and industry bodies. Influential in shaping relevant industry technology standards and supplier roadmaps in directions that are favourable.
    # of architect who have roles in the relevant industry bodies. Quotes in relevant journals/online forums.