IVI Framework Viewer

Methods and Practices


Ensure the availability and use of IT solutions delivery methods and practices — for example, requirements management, configuration management, and release management.

Improvement Planning

Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)

Representative POMs are described for Methods and Practices at each level of maturity.

  • Practice
    Practices are ad hoc and are on a best endeavour basis.
  • Practice
    Define and agree core elements of Solutions Delivery processes for use (e.g. requirements management, design, testing, configuration management processes etc.).
    • Provides stable processes to support delivery of appropriate IT solutions.
    • These processes help to ensure consistency in the approach used to deliver IT solutions and prevent the need to create processes from scratch for each IT solution delivered.
    # of processes used that are defined and agreed.
  • Practice
    Select appropriate Solutions Delivery lifecycle models for use from the approved available set (e.g. waterfall, iterative, spiral, etc.).
    • A lifecycle model is used which is appropriate to the IT solution being delivered — this may vary from one situation to another as one lifecycle model may not be appropriate for all types of IT solutions delivered.
    • By selecting this model upfront it provides a description of the phases the IT solution will move through and the associated activities.
    • This allows awareness for all stakeholders of the required day-to-day activities to deliver IT solution.
    % of IT solutions that select lifecycle models upfront.
  • Practice
    Measure the performance of the Solutions Delivery processes against specific targets and key performance indicators and report to business management.
    Increases transparency and improves process predictability.
    % of Solutions Delivery processes that have specific targets and KPIs.
  • Practices
    • Continually analyze and use performance measures as the basis for corrective and preventive activities.
    • Feed information back into a continual improvement and benchmarking initiative.
    • Performance of Solutions Delivery processes is quantitatively understood.
    • Corrective and preventive actions can be taken to optimize the Solutions Delivery processes.
    % of performance measures used as basis for adapting processes.