Decision Bodies/Structure
Establish organizational structures and roles (e.g. committees, executive teams, business/IT relationship managers) to guide and oversee the governance of IT, and promote behaviour that will lead to the achievement of business goals. Define their composition and scope and set out protocols for coherence and escalation across governance bodies and business organizational units.
Improvement Planning
Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)
Representative POMs are described for Decision Bodies/Structure at each level of maturity.
- 2Basic
- Practice
- Establish a governance steering group lead by senior IT management to advise and direct the prioritization of important projects.
- Outcomes
- An IT governing body is formed that is appropriate to the level of business dependency on IT. This body, however, may have little involvement with business management or with the organization's governing body (board).
- Some direction and prioritization is provided in relation to important projects.
- Metric
- % of IT management on the governance steering group.
- Practices
- Define some basic protocols to manage interactions between governing bodies and organizational units, to manage key IT-related issues, and to address failures.
- Apply the protocols in specific areas.
- Outcome
- Although some protocols are emerging, the management and resolution of key IT-related issues or failures may still be reactive and differ across the organization.
- Metrics
- % of interactions/IT-related issue escalations that adhere to protocols.
- Time taken to resolve an IT issue or failure.
- 3Intermediate
- Practice
- Ensure the IT-led governance steering group consults with business management and (to a more limited degree) the board to oversee all important IT-related decisions and to monitor the performance of IT.
- Outcome
- In consultation with key business stakeholders, the IT governing body drives how IT is governed, oversees important IT-related decisions, tracks progress on change initiatives, and performs necessary administration activities to orchestrate IT governance.
- Metrics
- % of IT management on the governance steering group.
- % of business management consulted regarding IT governance.
- Practice
- Define protocols to the required level of detail and flexibility, and apply them consistently to manage most key interactions between governing bodies and organizational units, to manage IT-related issues, and to address failures.
- Outcome
- Most key interactions and IT-related issues or failures can be addressed in a consistent manner.
- Metrics
- % of interactions/IT-related issue escalations that adhere to protocols.
- Time taken to resolve an IT issue or failure.
- 4Advanced
- Practice
- Establish a business management-led IT governance steering group chaired by the CEO or equivalent, with strong alignment to the organization's governing body (board).
- Outcome
- Driven by business stakeholders, IT is typically governed in an effective manner across the entire organization.
- Metrics
- % of IT management on the governance steering group.
- % of business management on the governance steering group.
- % of board members consulted regarding IT governance.
- Practices
- Apply protocols consistently to manage all key interactions between governing bodies and organizational units, to manage all IT-related issues, and to address failures.
- Periodically test them to confirm their ability to deal with all potential decision scenarios.
- Outcome
- All key interactions and IT-related issues or failures can be addressed in a consistent manner.
- Metrics
- % of interactions/IT-related issue escalations that adhere to protocols.
- Time taken to resolve an IT issue or failure.
- 5Optimized
- Practice
- Establish the organization's governing body (board) as the entity that drives IT governance.
- Outcome
- Close involvement and support of the organization's board ensures that IT is always effectively governed across the entire organization and in a manner that is responsive to changes in the business landscape.
- Metrics
- % of IT management on the governance steering group.
- % of business management on the governance steering group.
- % of board members consulted regarding IT governance.
- Practice
- Continually refine the protocols to reflect lessons learned in the handling of prior IT-related issues or failures and insights from business ecosystem partners.
- Outcome
- Protocols are refreshed as required, and are kept effective and relevant.
- Metric
- Frequency of protocol review and update.