Determine the capability framework(s) to be used for assessment. Define an integration and mapping approach in cases where a number of frameworks are used simultaneously.
Improvement Planning
Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)
Representative POMs are described for Framework at each level of maturity.
- 1Initial
- Practice
- Practices are ad hoc, occurring on a best endeavour basis.
- Outcome
- _
- Metric
- _
- 2Basic
- Practice
- Perform repeatable surveys to evaluate capability elements.
- Outcome
- Development trends are transparent.
- Metric
- % of IT capabilities that are assessed p.a.
- Practice
- Perform an environmental scan of department heads to identify any capability frameworks/methodologies that are currently in use.
- Outcome
- The number and variety of capability frameworks being used across IT is identified. An awareness of the different requirements of capability frameworks is evident.
- Metric
- % of identified IT capabilities/capability elements that are assigned to capability frameworks.
- Practice
- Establish basic linkages between some of the frameworks in use.
- Outcome
- A mapping between some of the frameworks in use is emerging, thereby supporting greater transparency in capability assessments.
- Metric
- % of any discrete frameworks in use that are integrated/mapped into a lead framework.
- Practice
- Identify high-level business objectives and discuss the framework at a high-level with some other business unit stakeholders to ensure a basic linkage to the business strategy.
- Outcome
- A basic alignment with the business is achieved on IT capability frameworks.
- Metric
- % of IT capability stakeholders involved who agree that the selected IT capability framework will support delivery of business needs.
- 3Intermediate
- Practice
- Introduce assessment cycles for key critical capabilities.
- Outcome
- Time series comparison and benchmarking over time is possible for key capabilities.
- Metric
- % of IT capabilities that are assessed p.a.
- Practice
- Select and agree one lead framework that covers the whole of IT and other fundamental business units' needs.
- Outcome
- There is a consistent capability framework across the IT function that serves as a central reference map under which any other frameworks can be organized or mapped.
- Metric
- % of identified IT capabilities/capability elements that are assigned to capability frameworks. Yes/No indicators re the existence of a lead framework. % of affected IT capability stakeholders actively involved in IT capability framework selection and usage.
- Practice
- Establish a process for consistently mapping/integrating evaluation frameworks and methodologies.
- Outcome
- A process supports the mapping of all frameworks and methodologies in use, thereby providing greater transparency in capability assessments.
- Metric
- % of any discrete frameworks in use that are integrated/mapped into a lead framework.
- Practice
- Align the framework(s) with documented IT goals and deliverables and some other business unit goals.
- Outcome
- Alignment of the capability framework(s) to address all relevant IT needs and some other business unit needs is supported.
- Metric
- % of IT capability stakeholders involved who agree that the selected IT capability framework will support delivery of business needs.
- 4Advanced
- Practice
- Review and fine-tune the frameworks based on internal and external best practice collection.
- Outcome
- Frameworks match the organization's needs and employ best practices across the IT function and for interfacing with all other business units.
- Metric
- % of IT capability frameworks that are reviewed and/or updated per agreed time period.
- Practice
- Perform all assessments via a reliable process (e.g. agreeing assessment scope, participants and logistics, running kick-off meetings, using standard assessment tools, conducting interviews, etc.).
- Outcome
- There is a holistic analysis of capabilities.
- Metric
- % of IT capabilities that are assessed p.a.
- Practice
- Formally include all other business units' needs in the framework selection (e.g. regularly survey and document the needs of key business stakeholders to enable the degree of alignment with framework selection to be assessed). Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the lead framework against the needs of both IT and all other business units.
- Outcome
- The framework selection is aligned with the organization's needs and strategic direction. There is strong buy-in from all business stakeholders and high credibility of the results of IT capability assessments.
- Metric
- % of identified IT capabilities/capability elements that are assigned to capability frameworks. Yes/No indicators re the existence of a lead framework. % of affected IT capability stakeholders actively involved in IT capability framework selection and usage.
- Practice
- Establish a consistent organization-wide mapping/integration of all frameworks to a lead framework.
- Outcome
- Harmonized frameworks exist across the organization, supporting full transparency of capability assessments.
- Metric
- % of any discrete frameworks in use that are integrated/mapped into a lead framework.
- Practice
- Align the framework(s) with the overall strategy and documented business goals.
- Outcome
- The framework is adapted to the organization's current situation and future goals.
- Metric
- % of IT capability stakeholders involved who agree that the selected IT capability framework will support delivery of business needs.
- 5Optimized
- Practice
- Set up a process to continually optimize and fine-tune the capability frameworks to match the business eosystem's current and future needs (e.g. through regular collection of feedback from IT, other business units, and business ecosystem stakeholders).
- Outcome
- The capability framework(s) selection fully reflects the business ecosystem's needs and overall strategy. There is increasing return from framework selection.
- Metric
- % of IT capabilities that are assessed p.a. % of IT capability frameworks that are reviewed and/or updated per agreed time period.
- Practice
- Set up a formal mechanism for continual optimization and adaptation of the framework selection to match the business ecosystem's needs (e.g. conduct round table stakeholder reviews involving all relevant stakeholders and capture feedback to enable the degree of alignment with framework selection to be assessed).
- Outcome
- Capability framework(s) selection fully reflects the business ecosystem's needs and overall strategy. Maximum value-add is obtained from framework selection.
- Metric
- % of identified IT capabilities/capability elements that are assigned to capability frameworks. Yes/No indicators re the existence of a lead framework. % of affected IT capability stakeholders actively involved in IT capability framework selection and usage.
- Practice
- Optimize the framework(s) integration with the insights/lessons learned from previous iterations.
- Outcome
- The framework effectively supports all capability assessments.
- Metric
- % of any discrete frameworks in use that are integrated/mapped into a lead framework.
- Practice
- Capture, document, and review strategic input from key stakeholders on the alignment between the framework and the business ecosystem's needs, and incorporate it into the capability assessment framework.
- Outcome
- The capability framework(s) fully reflects business ecosystem needs and overall strategy.
- Metric
- % of IT capability stakeholders involved who agree that the selected IT capability framework will support delivery of business needs.