Need for Change
Ensure that an accurate diagnosis of the need for change is arrived at with due regard to potential risks. Actively communicate the need for change, its level of urgency, and its expected benefits.
Improvement Planning
Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)
Representative POMs are described for Need for Change at each level of maturity.
- 2Basic
- Practice
- Document the actions that the change implementation will require.
- Outcome
- There is little understanding of the rationale for change.
- Metric
- Existence of a documented change action list.
- Practice
- Promote the case for change at an organizational level.
- Outcome
- The case for change is made at a general level.
- Metric
- Records of promotion of the need for change at an organizational level.
- 3Intermediate
- Practice
- Carry out a full examination of the need for change in advance of implementing a new change initiative.
- Outcome
- Sourcing and analysing a wide range of data on the need for change builds awareness of those affected by the change.
- Metric
- Existence of a documented diagnosis of the need for change.
- Practice
- Actively communicate to change participants both the case for change and its level of urgency.
- Outcome
- Participants are motivated to action by their understanding of the need and urgency for change, including the expected benefits to the organization and to individuals.
- Metric
- Records of communication to change participants on both the case for change and its level of urgency.
- Practice
- Ensure that concerns and questions from change participants are listened to and addressed.
- Outcome
- Participants are motivated by the understanding and openness of change leaders.
- Metrics
- Records of communication of concerns and questions from change participants.
- Level of satisfaction of change participants with the response from change leaders to their concerns and questions.
- 4Advanced
- Practice
- Define what the change means for each stakeholder.
- Outcomes
- The focus is on defining what the change means for different stakeholders.
- The need for change can be balanced against potential risks.
- Desired change outcomes can be clarified with and for all those affected by the change.
- Metric
- Existence of a documented change impact per stakeholder.
- Practice
- Collaborate with key influencers in the organization to promote understanding of the business rationale for change and the benefits at a personal level.
- Outcomes
- Change leaders make a compelling case for organizational change.
- Commitment to the priorities of change initiatives is increased across the organization.
- Metric
- Records of involvement of key influencers in change promotion.
- Practice
- Recognize and celebrate the progress made to address the need for change.
- Outcome
- Participants are motivated to commit to the priorities of the change initiatives by awareness and recognition of their efforts.
- Metrics
- Records of communication on change progress recognition and promotion.
- # of individuals publicly recognized.
- # of events scheduled to acknowledge progress and contributions.
- 5Optimized
- Practice
- Continually evaluate the need for change; and continually review and communicate these evaluations.
- Outcomes
- The case for change is continually evaluated, reviewed, and communicated.
- There is clarity on all aspects of the need for change, both internally and externally, as appropriate.
- Metric
- Records of regular communication of the case for change.
- Practice
- Engage with individuals on their awareness and understanding of organizational change across the change life cycle, recognizing and celebrating change progress.
- Outcome
- The case for change is reinforced in persuasive communications throughout the change life cycle. This has the effect of continuously motivating progress and encouraging change participants to adapt to the emerging situation.
- Metrics
- Records of ongoing recognition of progress and change promotion.
- # of individuals publicly recognized.# of events scheduled to acknowledge progress and contributions.