Turnover Management
Manage employee exits and post-employment relations.
Improvement Planning
Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)
Representative POMs are described for Turnover Management at each level of maturity.
- 1Initial
- Practice
- Rely on the best endeavours of available personnel.
- Practice
- Perform some informal employee retention activities.
- Outcome
- There are some successful employee retentions.
- Metric
- Churn rate of high-potential employees.
- 2Basic
- Practice
- Put in place a basic employee turnover management process in the IT function.
- Outcome
- Employee turnover begins to be proactively managed.
- Metrics
- % IT employee attrition versus global organization attrition rates.
- % long-term employees within the IT workforce.
- Practice
- Encourage line managers to retain well-performing and high-potential employees within the IT function.
- Outcome
- There is retention of the most important employees within IT.
- Metrics
- Churn rate of high-potential employees (comparative to industry norms).
- 6/12 month retention % for recently recruited employees.
- 3Intermediate
- Practices
- Proactively manage employee turnover.
- For example, encourage responsible line managers in IT and some other business units to have a set of offerings to reduce undesired attrition.
- Outcome
- Employee turnover is proactively and consistently managed.
- Metrics
- Churn rate (comparative to industry norms).
- % IT employee attrition versus global organization attrition rates.
- % long-term employees within the IT workforce.
- Practice
- Establish a standardized process and capabilities to manage the retention of well-performing and high-potential employees in IT and some other business units.
- Outcomes
- Responsible line managers have a set of fixed offerings, depending on career level, which can be used to retain employees.
- There is increased likelihood of retaining well-performing and high-potential employees.
- Metrics
- Amount spent per high-potential employee on retention management.
- Churn rate of high-potential employees (comparative to industry norms).
- 6/12 month retention % for recently recruited employees.
- 4Advanced
- Practice
- Establish an active exit management process organization-wide to ensure smooth employee turnover (e.g. consider work council approval, knowledge transfer, employee motivation, and accordance with the organization's culture).
- Outcome
- There is smooth employee turnover due to active exit management.
- Metrics
- Churn rate (comparative to industry norms).
- % IT employee attrition versus global organization attrition rates.
- % long-term employees within the IT workforce.
- Practice
- Align criteria for well-performing and high-potential employee selection, as well as the number of well-performing and high-potential employees for each job family and career level, with the IT people strategy organization-wide.
- Outcomes
- Retention management is aligned with the IT people strategy.
- Well performing and high-potential employees are effectively retained.
- Metrics
- Average over every job family and career level of actual high-potential employees divided by planned high-potential employees.
- 6/12 month retention % for recently recruited employees.
- 5Optimized
- Practice
- Regularly revise and optimize the process for managing employee turnover, based on input from the business ecosystem.
- Outcome
- There is an effective turnover management process.
- Metric
- Frequency of reviews.
- Practice
- Conduct regular surveys to assess employee satisfaction and take action as needed.
- Outcome
- Transparency of the satisfaction of employees allows for appropriate retention measures to be taken in a timely manner.
- Metric
- Frequency of employee surveys.