IVI Framework Viewer

Ongoing Operational Commitments


Determine the financial and other resources in the organization, and the extent to which they are already committed to ongoing contracts and obligations or are available to be deployed on new activities.

Improvement Planning

Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)

Representative POMs are described for Ongoing Operational Commitments at each level of maturity.

  • Practice
    Inform the IT business plan primarily from the perspective of IT.
    The IT business plan may only reflect the IT driven challenges for this year.
    # and % of IT challenges versus business challenges.
  • Practice
    Use a comprehensive checklist to ensure that IT business planning takes into account all facets of the baseline.
    The IT business plan reflects in a comprehensive way all facets relevant to the baseline for the year.
    • Count: baseline coverage in the plan versus a baseline checklist.
    • % of baseline elements originating from the business as opposed to IT.
  • Practice
    Involve the relevant business managers in informing and constructing the baseline.
    The IT business plan reflects both IT and other business units in a comprehensive way with regard to all facets relevant to the baseline for the year.
    • % of baseline elements originating from the business as opposed to IT.
    • % of non-IT personnel engaged in the IT business planning group.
  • Practice
    Involve the relevant business managers and external partners in informing the baseline.
    The IT business plan reflects both IT, the business, and relevant external partners in a comprehensive way with regard to all facets relevant to the baseline for the year.
    • % of baseline elements originating from the business as opposed to IT.
    • % of non-IT personnel engaged in the IT business planning group.