IVI Framework Viewer

Results Presentation and Reporting


Develop reports that deliver the message to the intended audience and that are tailored to the communications channel in use.

Improvement Planning

Practices-Outcomes-Metrics (POM)

Representative POMs are described for Results Presentation and Reporting at each level of maturity.

  • Practices
    • Use basic statistical and analytical packages to generate reports.
    • Develop a framework to communicate the results of data analytics to key stakeholders.
    • Basic statistical and analytical packages/reports are used by data analytics.
    • The output and value of data analytics is beginning to be understood by key stakeholders.
    • Number of basic analytical packages and reports.
    • Percentage satisfaction of key stakeholders with the communication of data analytics.
  • Practices
    • Use standardized statistical and analytical packages to generate outputs.
    • Develop a framework to communicate the results of data analytics to all stakeholder groups.
    • (The framework should outline the business problem, the data set used, the solution hypothesis, the business impact of the solution, and how to deal with the types of data that show multiple possible outcomes — i.e. where there is statistical uncertainty and data uncertainty).
    • Standardized statistical and analytical packages/reports are used by data analytics.
    • There is a good understanding of the output, value, and the multiple outcomes of data analytics across the organization.
    • Number of standard analytical packages and reports.
    • Percentage satisfaction with communication by data analytics.
    • Percentage of outputs that show the range of possible outcomes.
  • Practices
    • Provide tailored outputs based on collaboration between the business and the data analyst.
    • Implement a two-way communication framework that manages statistical and data uncertainty.
    • Tailored outputs and reports are available to individuals and stakeholder groups, and these show clearly all of the possible outcomes (e.g. by using a proposed model there is an 80% chance that sales will increase, a 25% chance that sales will remain static, and a 15% chance that sales will decrease).
    • Awareness and knowledge of data analytics provide feedback to improve the outputs, and encourage the organization to be data-driven.
    • Number of tailored reports providing unique insights/solutions.
    • Number of suggestions implemented due to feedback to data analytics.
    • Percentage accuracy of predicted vs. actual outcomes.
  • Practice
    Use research and feedback to empower all employees to be data-driven and to continually improve both the analytical outputs and how they are communicated.
    Research and stakeholder feedback improve both the presentation and reporting of data analytics.
    • Number of improvements implemented for analytical outputs.
    • Number of improvements implemented for the communication of data analytics outputs.