IVI Framework Viewer

Initiating, Planning, Executing, and Closing

Capability Building Blocks

A1Project Initiation Management
Appoint and provide the project manager with formal approval and governance guidelines for the project and the application of organizational resources to project activities.
A2Stakeholder Interactions Management
Identify relevant stakeholders and through engagement, identify their project needs and aspirations. Establish and apply approaches that are effective in communicating; in motivating and securing stakeholder support; buy-in; and the ownership of key initiatives.
Establish project governance and oversight practices and structures. Outline the composition and scope of governance bodies, and matters such as decision rights and authorization, reporting arrangements, and issue escalation protocols. Establish who is responsible for compliance with obligations, and for evaluating, leading, controlling, and monitoring project activities.
Identify and obtain commitment from all resource managers (internal and external) that they will make resources available for project activities in respect of the skill sets, tools and other resources required on the project.
Plan, execute, and control project information flows within the project team and between the project team and other project stakeholders.
A6Methodology Management
Select an appropriate project management methodology that matches the nature of the project and is most appropriate to the mode of work of the project assigned resources.
A7Time Management Planning
Create a project schedule, assign tasks and manage the projects schedule by re-assigning resources, taking corrective actions, resolving any issues that arise, and providing the necessary supports to ensure schedule integrity.
A8Cost Management
Identify, document, and use processes and procedures to estimate project costs and secure project budget(s). Oversee and control expenditure from project budgets.
A9Quality Management
Establish an appropriate quality management approach that addresses the quality of project-related activities, workmanship, professional behaviours, and project artefacts.
A10Project Closure Management
Develop and document project closure criteria (inclusive of administrative closure) and the processes to be used when closing a project.